The Wae Twins

Divinity is the Color of Gold

Heirs of the prestigous Lee family, they claim to be able to trace their lineage all the way back to the days of Mhach and the war of the Magi. Ebony and Tara Wae are constantly keeping an eye out for ways to expand the influence and power of their family, all for the glory of Nald'Thal.

Ebony Wae

Eldest heir to the Wae family (by 5 seconds), and born under a variety of auspicious circumstances, from the moment of her birth it was known to her parents that Ebony, like her sister, was special. How could a prayer to Nald'thal for children of value being answered in the form of twins be anything other than a divine message? Truly the Traders work in reasonable ways. Ebony has always had more interest in swords and armor than staves and robes, and while her devotion to her training is no less serious than Tara's, her focus is radically different. Ebony is the business and property manager of the pair, and ever since her 'teenage obsession' with the skills of a Dark Knight revealed itself to be a lifelong obsession, she's all but abandoned her own practice of the particular brand of 'Thaumaturgy' that's supposedly run in her family since the days of Mhach.Ebony is extremely good at fast-paced mathematics, swordplay, charging headfirst into battle like a wrecking ball and paying absolutely no mind to the thought there might possibly be any risk to her in any reasoned action she takes at any time whatsoever. After all, if she's a divine gift, how could she casually fall in battle?After a period of 'realization', Ebony is currently in an ill-defined relationship with an unidentified woman who has introduced radical concepts to the heiress such as "summoning voidsent is bad (yes even to enslave them)" and "helping people less fortunate than you can sometimes be a good thing", dangerous ideas that in the opinion of some are poisoning and distracting Ebony from what truly matters: making money, spending money, and promoting the ever-ongoing flow of money.

Tara Wae

The younger of the pair, though by a negligible margin. Tara is the more traditionalist and conservative of the twins. She has been groomed to be the one to preserve the family traditions and bear the next generation to ensure the continuation of the Lee bloodline.
Tara is more tactical and analytical than her sister, a cunning strategist who has played no small part in their business successes. She is also an active socialite, often being seen at many of the high profile social gatherings around Ul'dah, though most retain a polite facade in her presence because of her reputation and family status.
Tara worries for her sister after recent events and is maintaining a lookout for suitable partners, much the same way Ebony once did for her. So far no one has caught her eye, neither for her sister or herself.

  • Ebony frequently hunts and fights on behalf of the Immortal Flames, but has a reputation for being a mad dog who doesn't care about those around her within the organization.

  • Tara is an active socialite in Ul'dah, albeit with a small social circle.

  • Ebony is always looking for more investment opportunities, but is quick to violence if she detects a scam.

  • Tara is a priestess of the Order of Nald'Thal, and known to be particularly devout.

  • Ebony is frequently looking for fancy gifts to buy, either at market stalls or via commissioning artisans.

  • Tara is actively seeking suitors for herself and her sisters, however her standards are unreasonable and nigh impossible to live up to.

Ebony's player can be found on discord at SafestSephiroth

Tara's player can be found on discord at Brohamut